Minimalist Shoe Brand Comparison & Breakdown

Date Posted: 25 May 2019

With the minimalist movement exploding and such a large variety of minimalist shoes available, staff member Shaun provides a breakdown of the advantages of the different minimalist shoe brands.

Starting with Xero because these are really a great beginners barefoot shoe. They offer a very small amount of padding compared to other brands, which is great for a gentle transition to concrete. The high volume and decent width also make them the most accommodating shoe for problem shaped feet. They are ideal for basic exercise activities such as walking the dog at the end of a long day of work or rock climbing when your feet are a little bit sore. The downsides are that the small amount of padding runs hotter than other brands and they aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing shoes.


True barefoot shoes with absolutely no padding and an ultra-wide toe box - leave these for the diehard fans. Vivo have so many models and colours that you are sure to find something that looks great either in the gym or at work. Their design and style really do look significantly better than other brands, even making some leather dress shoes for those who want comfort on their feet while wearing a suit.

The downsides? If you have a skinny foot they can feel a bit sloppy and they are generally more expensive than other barefoot shoes.


These are the narrow true barefoot option for those who want a snug fit. Wide toe boxes are extremely popular but when doing parkour, martial arts or any kind of hyper intense gym exercises you really want to feel secure in your shoes so Merrell shines here. They also use Vibram rubber, the same rubber company that is used on rock climbing shoes and mountaineering boots. This makes them super popular for things like Ninja Warrior.


Vibram Fivefingers
The go-to shoes for anything technical. If you're hiking, gardening, working on the roof or walking the dogs through the creek Vibram Fivefingers are a great choice. They have the best traction and control of any barefoot shoe. They should do too as they are the glove to your feet the way other brands are an oven mitt.

The biggest downsides of these shoes are that it can be very tricky to get the fit right, socks must be toe socks and if you wear them in public you WILL get questions. Thankfully social occasions don’t usually require the Vibram Fivefingers level of function. You’ll also collect long grass between the toes occasionally, but this is a price much worth paying for a protected barefoot experience.


Be Lenka

Similar in style to Vivobarefoot. Be Lenka is focussed on incorporating barefoot shoes into everyday life by creating shoes that can be worn casually. They also have a wide toe box and thin soles (around 4mm) which is made with puncture resistant rubber so your feet are still well protected, but you still have the barefoot experience.